GameInformer's World Exclusive GTAIV Preview - Details

By Chris | 10th Apr 2007 at 14:30 GMT in GTA IV | 52 Comments

gameinformer_IV_exclusive_may07.jpg Some luckly subscribers have already received their copy of GameInformer, the one with the world exclusive 10 page preview of GTA 4. The following is a summary of what we've learned from the magazine. More in depth details will be posted later, with further analysis.

The Facts

  • The main character's name is Niko Bellic - he is an Eastern European immigrant
  • Bellic arrives in Liberty City as he has been receiving emails from his cousin, Roman. At the start of the game, he is the only person you know.
  • Roman lies to get Niko to come to Liberty City, by telling him he has women, cars and money...he is actually in huge debt. Niko thinks he will live the "American Dream".
  • The Statue of Liberty is now called the Statue of Happiness, while DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) is known as BOABO (Beneath the Offramp of the Algoquin Bridge Overpass).
  • Liberty City's similarities to New York are as follows, with 4 of the 5 boroughs being recreated: Brooklyn = Broker; Manhattan = Algonquin; Queens = Dukes; Bronx = Bohan; New Jersey = Alderney
  • The scale of Liberty City is slightly smaller than San Andreas, except now there are no wasted parts (with countryside for example), it is a lot more detailed.
  • Multiplayer modes in GTA 4 are still to be announced, however, Rockstar have said it won't be a massively multiplayer online game. They are making something interesting, fun and progressive, and which ties in with single player gameplay.
  • Since it's only New York, there will be no planes in the game which you can pilot. Rockstar want the game to seem realistic, i.e. you won't be needing planes.
  • Pedestrians are a lot more realistic, and do things such as smoke, sit on benches, read, go shopping, eat, and more...
  • Rockstar have been working very hard on the targeting system - expect it to be a big improvement from previous games.
  • After the initial loading sequence, there will be no more loading screens to sit through, not even when transitioning between interior and exterior environments
  • While making the game, Rockstar consulted crime experts and ex-policemen and found that being a criminal is much more difficult now than it was during previous decades, so they have tried to reflect this in the game. Expect to see people getting arrested as the police are a heavy presence.
  • As Rockstar North are approaching the recruitment of voice actors in a different way. We probably won't hear and recognisable voices in GTA 4 because they are looking for voices that suit the attitude of the characters - This approach is also being carried over to the soundtrack, where R* are looking for music which works well with the modern day Liberty City.
  • You will use a cell phone to call contacts
  • The visual effects of the game will be massively enhanced - the rising and setting sun will reflect off glass and light up details on buildings; the streets will have potholes and rubble. Variations in terrain are reflected in the way people walk over it.
  • A big part of the game is delivering story in new ways and allowing the player to plot their own destiny
  • GameInformer played the Xbox 360 version, and say the graphics are not representative of the final version. The final version will look better than these shots suggest

Huge thanks to demologik at GTAForums for getting the mag so quickly, and providing the pictures of it. You can discuss how you feel about GTA 4 as we learn new details in our forum.

2003's photo
2003 10th April, 2007 @ 14:39 - Permalink

Croatian? Hmm i thought he was Russian.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 10th April, 2007 @ 14:39 - Permalink

Yes Chris thx, I`ve already found that out 30 minutes ago, demagogik a user from another site posted the first 3 scans and yes this is true...

Good news for who didn`t knew BTW!

Chris's photo
Chris 10th April, 2007 @ 14:42 - Permalink

Thanks for letting me know :rolleyes:

Besides, the guy doesn't even have a scanner, or even a decent camera, so we're not getting anything yet. Not like it matters we've posted this early.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 10th April, 2007 @ 14:49 - Permalink

Yes but I`ve heard of a countdown of I dunno what scans (

but I dunno what will happen when it reaches 00:00:00, but we might get more scans or something, or maybe some pics from what we ca actually read what GI wrote in their 10 pages...But I still dunno

Chris's photo
Chris 10th April, 2007 @ 14:52 - Permalink

Hmm... anyway, still illegal for us to actually post scans...

Pandora's photo
Pandora 10th April, 2007 @ 14:54 - Permalink

You possibly could let a member post them, so it won't directly be you or TGTAP.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 10th April, 2007 @ 14:58 - Permalink
Hmm... anyway, still illegal for us to actually post scans...

So when will be legal to post scans?Today,Tomorrow or no one knows?

Edit:Just look what demologik said

looks like in 6 hours we`ll have scans with readable text, maybe real maybe not....

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 10th April, 2007 @ 15:08 - Permalink

* The main character's name is Niko Bellic (This is apparently a Croatian name)

Chris, I'm Croatian, so I know Croatian names, we never use double letters for anything! Maybe it's wrong spelling because: Niko Belic, can be a Croatian name, but last letter is not "c" it's should be a letter you don't have in alphabet. It's "ć" (you probably now seeing some stupid sigh witch is not a letter, because you PC don't have it in system)

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 10th April, 2007 @ 15:09 - Permalink

It seems other sites are posting the scans!

But thank God for those subscribers ;)

Chris's photo
Chris 10th April, 2007 @ 15:10 - Permalink

That's when the girl gets home from work... How the hell did she manage to get a copy of the magazine... bizarre.

@Gycu: you have to get permission to post magazine scans - publishers get especially annoyed when people put them online while the magazine is on sale because it is foten detrimental to their sales - people read the info and don't bother going out to buy the mag. People are posting them already on this forum and others, I'm sure if GI browse any of our sites they'll find them and we'll be asked to take them down.

At the moment, the pics we're getting are barely readable, so they don't matter really, IMO.

Regarding the name Bellic: The reason why we all think it's Croatian is because in Croatia, a lot of names tend to end with 'ic'. I don't know of another country that. And I think with the accented c, only makes a difference to people who actually live in Croatia and speak the language, such as yourself. We may all be wrong though, maybe we won't find out just yet...

EDIT: Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia - Three places where surnames commonly end with -ic - pronounced 'itch'

Gycu's photo
Gycu 10th April, 2007 @ 15:24 - Permalink

I don`t care if the pics are token down, I have everything in my mind, even though are just some new screens and the main character`s name, they can`t delete that, only if they have MIB device for erasing the memory :)

Red_91's photo
Red_91 10th April, 2007 @ 16:46 - Permalink
That's when the girl gets home from work... How the hell did she manage to get a copy of the magazine... bizarre.

@Gycu: you have to get permission to post magazine scans - publishers get especially annoyed when people put them online while the magazine is on sale because it is foten detrimental to their sales - people read the info and don't bother going out to buy the mag. People are posting them already on this forum and others, I'm sure if GI browse any of our sites they'll find them and we'll be asked to take them down.

At the moment, the pics we're getting are barely readable, so they don't matter really, IMO.

Regarding the name Bellic: The reason why we all think it's Croatian is because in Croatia, a lot of names tend to end with 'ic'. I don't know of another country that. And I think with the accented c, only makes a difference to people who actually live in Croatia and speak the language, such as yourself. We may all be wrong though, maybe we won't find out just yet...

I dont know if you know a lot about football but theres Serbian football names ending with 'ic' like Nemanja Vidic and Dejan Stefanovic so really I wouldn't say he is Croation just yet.

Chris's photo
Chris 10th April, 2007 @ 16:54 - Permalink

That's what I just said though. You even quoted it. my last line, I said Serbian.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 10th April, 2007 @ 16:57 - Permalink
That's what I just said though. You even quoted it. my last line, I said Serbian.

Oh sorry, I was just skim reading I might have missed it out.

And Chris when will you be ably to upload the magazine?

Chris's photo
Chris 10th April, 2007 @ 18:00 - Permalink

I believe Dmac has posted some of the stuff in our GTA IV forum.

There's these two topics: here and here

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 10th April, 2007 @ 18:21 - Permalink

What? No planes, New York its self is huge, there must be planes. :(

2003's photo
2003 10th April, 2007 @ 18:26 - Permalink

Atleast Helicopters.

Chris's photo
Chris 10th April, 2007 @ 18:29 - Permalink

Dan Houser has apparently said: "Players won't be able to fly their aeroplanes. There are no planes because it's just a city"

QuickDeath's photo
QuickDeath 10th April, 2007 @ 19:02 - Permalink

This sucks, what is the use of the huge NY if we cant fly? i mean one of the greatest SA features was flying and parachuting. R* just could have used another city, a city that has nothing to do with 9/11. IV just keeps on disappointing me... <_<

Chris's photo
Chris 10th April, 2007 @ 19:22 - Permalink

Gerard has been transcribing parts of the magazine which we've heard from this guys soundbite uploaded earlier, haven't heard it myself, but check the Grand Theft Wiki article if you're interested.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 10th April, 2007 @ 19:25 - Permalink
This sucks, what is the use of the huge NY if we cant fly? i mean one of the greatest SA features was flying and parachuting. R* just could have used another city, a city that has nothing to do with 9/11. IV just keeps on disappointing me... <_<

Just because there aren't any planes doesn't mean we can't fly. There could still be helicopters, as King 2003 said. I think Dan Houser is just pulling out legs a bit by say no planes.

Chris's photo
Chris 10th April, 2007 @ 19:27 - Permalink

But also, nothing has been mentioned of helicopters. He only said planes there, not all aircraft. Hmm...

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 10th April, 2007 @ 19:36 - Permalink
But also, nothing has been mentioned of helicopters. He only said planes there, not all aircraft. Hmm...


"Bellic is not going to be riding a Unicycle or Rollerblading around, we're giving a choice of variety that feels right for the character. We are not suddenly saying there will be no more motorbikes, were keeping all of that stuff, we are keeping the same range and diversity that we had it's just going to fit the character."

I guess there is a high possibility that we'll be seeing "motorbikes" in the game.

QuickDeath's photo
QuickDeath 10th April, 2007 @ 19:39 - Permalink

So...maybe they mean no planes meaning no 747 and such, but ''forget'' to tell that there will be jets like Hydra in SA? And planes are much more fun then helis, you can fly them higher and they are faster. I hope there will be at least air baloons :D

Chris's photo
Chris 10th April, 2007 @ 22:20 - Permalink

UPDATES now coming in as I type. Keep refreshing the first post!

Chris's photo
Chris 10th April, 2007 @ 22:54 - Permalink

OK all the info is now there. Discuss.

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 10th April, 2007 @ 23:05 - Permalink

The new Peds sound really good (Can't we be them instead). Plus from what I have seen of the scans those graphics look brilliant but they are going to be better?

Chris's photo
Chris 10th April, 2007 @ 23:07 - Permalink

Yep. Graphics will only get better :)

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 10th April, 2007 @ 23:11 - Permalink

I'm disappointed in you Rockstar, no planes? No countryside? Smaller than SA?

Whats the point in graphics and other new things if they dont have the key main things?

Boo :(

Nate10's photo
Nate10 10th April, 2007 @ 23:16 - Permalink

Diff. destiny? Like alternate ending and crap!? Please not like that. I'm actually starting to get a little disappointed, hopefully I'm incorrect in what I think you mean by diff. destiny.

Chris's photo
Chris 10th April, 2007 @ 23:16 - Permalink

Countryside was possibly the worst part of San Andreas. Why do you want it?

Nate10's photo
Nate10 10th April, 2007 @ 23:17 - Permalink
Countryside was possibly the worst part of San Andreas. Why do you want it?

Ya, all it did was make lies of bigfoot :/

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 10th April, 2007 @ 23:30 - Permalink

Yeh but what about mount chiliad and the rest of the fun stuff like the badland desert with the huge insame jump stunts and everything. It's beginning to just sound like they've take Liberty and made it look nicer/added new things.

Chris's photo
Chris 10th April, 2007 @ 23:31 - Permalink

That and the fact nothing much happened there, and it took ages to traverse unless you had a Hydra.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 10th April, 2007 @ 23:37 - Permalink

Bah whatever, personal opinion thats all. Don't want to get into any fights.

I'm just disappointed thats all, probably because of this no plane thing going around.

Mike356's photo
Mike356 10th April, 2007 @ 23:54 - Permalink

this only makes me want to get a ps3 even more just for this game to

Jared's photo
Jared 11th April, 2007 @ 01:03 - Permalink


sit on benches, red, amongst other

Should be:

sit on benches, read, amongst other


Anyway, very interesting indeed.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 11th April, 2007 @ 01:05 - Permalink

So, any word Chris when you can "publish" what the GI mag says onto here?

Chris's photo
Chris 11th April, 2007 @ 01:31 - Permalink

They have been posted here. I think there's more than what he's posted though.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 11th April, 2007 @ 01:43 - Permalink

Heh, just looked at them and posted before I looked at this topic again lol.

Chris's photo
Chris 11th April, 2007 @ 02:37 - Permalink

I've updated the first post with more details! That's it now.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 11th April, 2007 @ 05:08 - Permalink

Alright, it tels us something, but I'm really devastated because of the planes! :(

Pandora's photo
Pandora 11th April, 2007 @ 06:06 - Permalink

No planes and only Liberty City :mellow:


That is quite disapointing. I hope that this is going to be changed.. But maybe it's to late for that..

Gycu's photo
Gycu 11th April, 2007 @ 07:35 - Permalink

Yes this game will rock with all those features, and I hope we`ll have helicopters and bikes...

And looks like the theme will not be mafia neither gangsta, it will be a unique one, you work for yourself...

But I`m still sad about the map size, it was supposed to be at least 2x bigger, many people wanted this, but I`m cool with the map size chosen, BUT I wanted to see what`s at the end of the tunnel in Shoreside Vally, looks like we`ll never find out :(

Red_91's photo
Red_91 11th April, 2007 @ 11:10 - Permalink

Im a bit surprised by R*, according to the magazine you can call people. This was probably copied because Scarface had it, And really the graphics need to be good but not the best, they should have concentrated on more features in my opinion.

surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 11th April, 2007 @ 11:23 - Permalink
Im a bit surprised by R*, according to the magazine you can call people. This was probably copied because Scarface had it, And really the graphics need to be good but not the best, they should have concentrated on more features in my opinion.

well, maybe they copied it from scarface, but we'll probably be dissapointed if the GTA do not have the "call someone" feature, and maybe this one will be better than scarface

i mean of all the things that Tony Montana could do, he always gets mad to all of his employees, and say all the swear words you know, the character in this game, seems to be a nice guy and barely ever mad at someone.

and the graphics, i thought all of us want more features instead of the graphics, it shouldn't be the best graphic there is. and one last thing, this is just the newest information, not all the information you could find on GTA IV

this is just the beginning guys!!!!

2003's photo
2003 11th April, 2007 @ 13:32 - Permalink

Whats next? Vice City?

Chris's photo
Chris 11th April, 2007 @ 13:32 - Permalink

There's always downloadable content which may or may not add these features. We need more info on this downloadable stuff though, hopefully the next mag preview will have it. Also, I hope OPM don't have the same preview that GI got, otherwise we'll barely get any new info which would be a shame.

2003's photo
2003 11th April, 2007 @ 13:34 - Permalink

I wonder if you have to unlock the bridges again. And since theres 5 broughs that may mean you have to unlock like all 5 broughs insted of the usual 3.

Chris's photo
Chris 11th April, 2007 @ 13:58 - Permalink

I would imagine so yeah, it would be kinda weird if the entire city was open to us right from the start.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 16th April, 2007 @ 16:31 - Permalink

Actually, that's the one thing I hate about the GTA series. I want open access to the entire map/city. The first mod I did

to my GTA games (PC versions) was to alter the mass of roadblocks so I could kick them out of the way & find all of the

hidden packages & side work. Then in SA you get someone who could swim, but got that automatic 4-star warrant.

The next buzzkill will be no Mavericks, they just RULE!

Gycu's photo
Gycu 16th April, 2007 @ 16:44 - Permalink
I hope OPM don't have the same preview that GI got, otherwise we'll barely get any new info which would be a shame.

Yes, I hope too, well GI and OPM did the same with GTA SA, GI wrote 10 pages as a preview for SanAndreas, and I`ve heard that OPM wrote 13 pages, with more detailed game features reveal...Maybe will do the same with GTA 4, and 13 pages is enough if there are more details about the game...

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